Dental benefits

You have two options for dental coverage: Dental Plus or Basic Dental. Dental Plus pays more and has higher premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs. Basic Dental pays less and has lower premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs. When you make your election, you’ll choose either Dental Plus or Basic Dental, not both. BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina  (BlueCross) processes dental claims.

Dental Plus

Dental Plus has higher allowed amounts, which are the maximum amounts allowed by the plan for a covered service. Network providers cannot charge you for the difference in their cost and the allowed amount. The maximum yearly benefit for a person covered by Dental Plus is $2,000.

Basic Dental

Basic Dental has lower allowed amounts, which are the maximum amounts allowed by the plan for a covered service. There is no network for Basic Dental; therefore, providers can charge you for the difference in their cost and the allowed amount. The maximum yearly benefit for a person covered by Basic Dental is $1,000.


You can enroll during:

  • Your initial enrollment;
  • Open enrollment in October of odd-numbered years; or
  • A special eligibility situation.

Identification cards

After your initial enrollment, you will receive a Dental Plus identification card from BlueCross. You can also access your Dental Plus digital identification card from the My Health Toolkit mobile app. If you need to order a replacement card, visit  or call BlueCross at 800.868.2520. You will need your Benefits Identification Number (BIN). If you don’t know your BIN, log in to MyBenefits  and select Get My BIN.

There is no identification card for Basic Dental. If you enrolled in Basic Dental, your dentist can verify your eligibility with BlueCross.