PEBA’s current core operating systems were built in the early 1990s. The typical lifespan of a system is 15 to 20 years. While our systems have served us well, it’s becoming difficult to find the resources needed to support them. Also, the separate insurance and retirement systems do not share data and pose a technology risk. PEBA:Connect will serve as the solution to these issues.
PEBA:Connect goals
PEBA continues to work with our vendor, TELUS Health, on the development and use of automated systems and processes that will maximize the delivery of efficient and excellent services to customers of our programs. Customers refer to covered employers, members, subscribers, beneficiaries and dependents.
The new system will provide a unified, one-stop improved customer experience with respect to all programs administered by PEBA.
- There will be one secure portal through which customers conduct business with PEBA:
- Member self-service
- Employer self-service
- All PEBA publications, as well as personal and electronic interactions with customers, will have a common language, appearance and feel.
The new system and processes will enhance existing Customer Service capabilities for members and employers.
The new system will integrate retirement and insurance processes where further integration will improve operations and/or the efficiency and delivery of excellent services to customers.
The new system and processes will enhance existing operational performance measurement capabilities.
The new system and processes will enhance existing data exchange functionality with all appropriate third parties, including all third-party administrators.
The new system and processes will continue to support or enhance the privacy and security of PEBA’s information assets.
Impact to employers
As with any new operating system, processes will change. This means you will learn a new way to conduct business with PEBA. But don’t worry, PEBA will be there to assist you. A large component of the project will be dedicated to training staff, employers and members on how to use the system prior to implementation. Our objective is to make conducting business with PEBA easier and more efficient.