Survivor benefits

Retirement account benefits

SCRS and PORS members

Payment Option A

If you selected payment Option A, after your death, your beneficiary or estate will receive a lump-sum payment of the remaining balance of any member contributions and interest, including any working retiree contributions, not exhausted through receipt of your benefit during your retirement.

Payment Option B

If you selected payment Option B, after your death, your beneficiary will receive the same monthly benefit you received, including granted benefit adjustments, for life.

Payment Option C

If you selected payment Option C, after your death, your beneficiary will receive one-half of the benefit you received, including granted benefit adjustments, for life.

State ORP participants

Once you retire, you may choose from a variety of payment options, including a lump-sum distribution or periodic withdrawals. In the event of your death, your beneficiary will be entitled to any remaining balance in your State ORP account with your service provider.

GARS members

Information about GARS retirement account survivor benefits is available in the GARS Member Handbook

JSRS members

Information about JSRS retirement account survivor benefits is available in the JSRS Member Handbook

Retired member incidental death benefits

Working retired members of SCRS or PORS

If you are a working retired member of SCRS or PORS and your employer participates in incidental death benefit coverage, a payment equal to your current annual earnable compensation will be paid to your beneficiary if you die while in service. Amounts paid to your beneficiary are considered taxable benefits; therefore, federal taxes will be withheld unless your beneficiary rolls the money over into another qualified retirement plan. It is up to your beneficiary to request that state taxes be withheld from the payment.

Non-working retired members

As a non-working retiree, if you die and your last employer prior to retirement provides incidental death benefit coverage, a payment based on the retirement system from which you retired from and your service credit will be paid to your beneficiary. Amounts paid to your beneficiary are considered taxable benefits; therefore, federal taxes will be withheld unless your beneficiary rolls the money over into another qualified retirement plan. It is up to your beneficiary to request that state taxes be withheld from the payment.

SCRS and PORS members

SCRS years of service creditPORS years of service creditIncidental death benefit payment
10 to 19 years10 to 19 years$2,000
20 to 27 yearsClass Two: 20 to 24 years
Class Three: 20 to 26 years
28 or more yearsClass Two: 25 or more years
Class Three: 27 or more years

GARS and JSRS members

Years of service creditIncidental death benefit payment
10 to 19 years$1,000
20 to 29 years$2,000
30 or more years$3,000