Do business with PEBA

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the South Carolina Public Employee Benefit Authority (PEBA). Our Procurement Department recognizes the importance of developing and maintaining strong, mutual business relationships with potential offerors. Our Procurement Department has primary responsibility for establishing this relationship for the agency.

Our Procurement Department's activities promote positive relationships through courtesy and impartiality in all phases of the procurement cycle by providing prompt and courteous reception, as conditions will permit, to vendors who have a legitimate business mission.

Rules PEBA follows

Public contracts are awarded in accordance with South Carolina's procurement laws PEBA’s processes and procedures are all defined by rules designed to prevent fraud, collusion or unjust favoritism in the award of public contracts; to ensure all persons have an equal opportunity to compete for public contracts; to secure for the public the benefits of full and open competition; and to provide for efficiency and increased economy in the expenditure of public funds.

The South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code requires competition through quotes or formal solicitations for any dollar amount exceeding $10,000 unless otherwise prescribed by the Code. Additionally, solicitations in excess of $25,000 must be advertised in the South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO)  online newsletter to ensure fair and transparent competition to all potential offerors. If PEBA decides to move forward with a procurement of a particular good or service, the agency will comply with the S.C. Consolidated Procurement Code by employing one of the various source selection methods listed in the Code. This process will further ensure that the information is disseminated to all potential offerors capable of providing a response to PEBA’s solicitations.

Vendor registration

To do business with PEBA, potential offerors need to register through the South Carolina Enterprise Information System (SCEIS)  and read SCBO published daily, to keep abreast of PEBA solicitations.

Registration through SCEIS will provide offerors with notice of upcoming solicitations for PEBA and other state agencies which conduct business through SCEIS. If you require assistance with registration, contact the SCEIS Help Desk at 803.896.0001.

Additional resources and information

For more information, please contact us at