Wondr Health

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Learn the skills to lose weight and keep it off forever while still eating your favorite foods in this clinically proven online program. In the program, you will learn it’s not what you eat but when and how you eat that will help you lose weight. Plus, you will reduce your risk for chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, while increasing your chances of living a longer, healthier life.

Who is eligible to apply?

State Health Plan members, including spouses and dependent children ages 18 and older, are eligible to apply. Medicare-primary members are also eligible to apply. Some medical conditions or body mass indexes (BMIs) may prevent you from participating in the program.

How much does the program cost?

The Wondr Health program is available to you at no cost. The State Health Plan will cover 100% of the cost.

How does the program work?

Wondr Health is a 10-week, online program that uses weekly video lessons and interactive tools to teach the behavioral skills necessary to lose weight and keep it off long-term. Each week, you will watch lessons at your convenience on your computer, smartphone or tablet through the iPhone or Android apps. The program will help you create changes in your behavior by:

  • Helping you develop a lifestyle of eating your favorite foods while still improving your health and losing weight.
  • Teaching you to identify personal eating habits, recognize the difference between true hunger and psychological hunger, understand how hydration habits influence hunger and practice ways to minimize fat storage.
  • Addressing how exercise, stress and your environment affect weight loss.

You will also receive a full year of support after the first 10 weeks through WondrUp (4You) and WondrUp (4Life). WondrUp (4You) is available for 10 weeks after the initial program and provides personalized content. WondrUp (4Life) is available for the following 32 weeks and provides customizable content, which allows you to choose your own path.

How do I apply?

There are two ways to apply for Wondr:

  1. Join a class with other State Health Plan members. Classes are offered about once a quarter, and you can view this year’s class schedule online
  2. Select a start date that best fits your schedule. This option is available year-round.

Go to www.wondrhealth.com/PEBA  to learn more about the program and to apply.